Parent Trigger Law
2013-2014 Regular Session - HB 123
Parent and Teacher Empowerment Act
A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Chapter 2 of Title 20 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to elementary and secondary education, so as to enact the "Parent and Teacher Empowerment Act"; to provide for petitions to convert existing schools to charter schools or to impose turnaround models; to provide for definitions; to allow for petitions by parents or teachers; to provide for turnaround models; to provide for notice to the State Board of Education; to provide for local board approval; to provide for applicability; to provide for rules and regulations; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
Nov 5, 2012
State Representative Edward Lindsey, R-Atlanta, the Georgia House Majority Whip, announced today his intention to push for passage of a Parent Trigger Bill during the 2013 legislative session of the Georgia General Assembly. The measure will give parents a greater voice in school governance.
"We have been working with parents and educators on this issue for some time," said Rep. Lindsey. "However, the events at North Atlanta High School highlight the need for this kind of legislation. Parents, students, and school staff were completely cut out of the decision making process. That is no way to instill needed confidence to improve our schools."
A parent trigger bill will make it easier for parents to petition to convert their existing traditional public school into a local public charter school, which would give parents greater control over their children's education and give the school greater flexibility in improving student achievement.
"An integral part of improving education in Georgia is greater parent buy-in to their children's education. The parent trigger proposal will assist parents with this in both well-established and struggling low performance schools," Rep. Lindsey continued. "A quality education for all of our state's children is critical to their future and ours. All parents should be given a greater voice in achieving this."